Ginger: the original superfood?

Whether you’re trying to warm up on a chilly day or combat a tickle in your throat, ginger is a cold-weather powerhouse. But does ginger really have superpowers…or is it just some old school kitchen folklore? Turns out, this spicy little root isn’t just delicious – study after study show that it’s packed with health benefits. Tasty AND good for you? Score!

Where it all began

When you think about using ginger as medicine, chances are your mind goes to China, where it’s been used to treat countless ailments for over 5000 years. What you might not know is that it was also a big hit with the Ancient Romans – who imported it from India – and in medieval Europe, where it was a common ingredient in sweet treats. The history speaks for itself: ginger has been used for thousands of years, for thousands of reasons…but which still hold up today?

A gut feeling

One of the easiest ways ginger can spice up your life? Providing relief for nausea and stomach aches. Ginger has long been used as a remedy for sea sickness, and many studies show that it can help relieve nausea after surgery, or morning sickness during pregnancy.

Eater’s digest

If you weren’t already convinced ginger was the perfect after-dinner treat, chew on this: it has also been shown to aid digestion. By stimulating saliva production and kickstarting your digestive enzymes, a little ginger after a meal will help you digest your food faster. Whether you take a ginger capsule or brew up some ginger tea, it’s the perfect way to end a lavish meal.

We’re warming you…

It’s no secret that a cup of ginger tea is super soothing for a sore throat. But did you know it’s also warming you up from the inside out? Ginger is naturally diaphoretic, meaning it promotes sweating. In other words, it’s the food equivalent of putting on a big, cozy sweater. During cold weather, it’s the perfect way to stay feeling warm. Ready to get brewing? Just slice up some fresh ginger and simmer it in water for 5-10 minutes. Add a squeeze of lemon and a spoonful of honey, and you’ve got yourself the tastiest all-natural “remedy” ever.

In conclusion

If you love the spicy taste and warming feeling, there’s just no excuse. You should be working ginger into your diet whenever you can (hint hint: there’s a nice serving of pickled ginger in our new Red Curry Soba bowl…). Besides the many reasons listed above, there are also studies linking ginger to reduced muscle pain and managing type 2 diabetes…not to mention it’s full of antioxidants, and it’s a good source of manganese, copper…and the list goes on.

What’s your favourite use for this multitasking spice? Tell us at
